Suffolk County Sheriff’s FREE PET ID Card Program!

FREE Pet ID Cards! 

Your pet’s information is used to quickly locate them if they’re missing, utilizing the ID database, Social Media Alerts, and Deputy Sheriffs.

Simply go online to to sign up! You have nothing to lose, but so much peace of mind and security to gain. Make sure to share this precious gift with friends and family.


Suffolk County Sheriff Dr. Errol D. Toulon, Jr. is proud to announce Suffolk County’s first ever Lost Pet Network which will provide participating owners with a printed pet identification card while adding the pets to a database to help quickly locate missing animals. When a pet is lost, Suffolk County residents utilize many websites, social media pages and traditional methods but lack one central method for spreading the news and involving the proper stakeholders.

The American Humane Society estimates that each year, approximately 10 million pets are lost in the United States, and millions of those end up in the nation’s animal shelters. Tragically, only 15 percent of dogs and 2 percent of cats in shelters without microchips are reunited with their owners.

Owners can enroll in this program to get a free identification card and become a part of the Lost Pet Network which will utilize Deputy Sheriffs, local municipalities and a designated website in the case of a dog, cat, or other eligible animal going missing.